We will send your parcel cash on delivery to anywhere in Spain. You can choose a convenient post office where your order will arrive.

You can also have your parcel sent by courier to the address you give us.

You don’t have to worry about anonymity: your medicines will be packed in neutral packaging. Our team has extensive experience in shipping this type of order. No one but you will know the contents of the package.

Important information about delivery:

  • Delivery time – 2-8 days
  • Shipping costs – 14-25

It all depends on the type of shipment you choose.

Payment and security

When ordering from our online pharmacy, you can pay with a Visa, MasterCard or AMEX credit card.

You can be assured of making a secure payment through our website, as it supports Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) data transfer. This means that the data you enter on any form on our site is encrypted and no one will be able to see it.