

Active substance: Metformin

Dosage: 500 mg, 850 mg, 1000 mg

Price: €25.24 – €61.81

Today’s world is full of temptations. You’re thinking about it and suddenly you find yourself eating four sweets in a row, and how can you pass up a crispy crusted chicken, whose aroma immediately captivates all your taste buds? The consumption of fatty, high-calorie foods, a sedentary lifestyle and, as a consequence, being overweight, are true companions of hyperglycaemia. Then there is pre-diabetes and, finally, diabetes. This is not a prospect to rejoice about. What to do? The first thing to do is to get tested, and if the result is type 2 diabetes, we have a solution for you. Firstly, it is a special diet and a series of exercises that can reduce your weight. Secondly, Glucophage is a very effective drug that will help you overcome the disease and improve your quality of life, as evidenced by the many patients in United Kingdom and around the world who are incredibly grateful for the product and constantly write sincere praise about it.

Let’s find out together what Glucophage is and how it works in the body, as well as answer many other common questions about this medicine. One of them is: where can I buy this medicine online at the best price and without a prescription? Here, too, we have a lot to say.

Where To Buy Glucophage In United Kingdom

It all depends on what you want. In UKyou can buy medicines from pharmacies, supermarkets or online pharmacies. However, street pharmacies will undoubtedly ask you for a prescription and you won’t even know if the medicine is available without standing in a long queue with sick people. Do you need it? After all, there is another way out: order the medicine from our online pharmacy with many pleasant advantages. Among them: convenience and availability – you can order a medicine at any time, even at night, without leaving home, a lot of information – on our website you can find detailed descriptions of the products, their characteristics, instructions for use, as well as reviews of other buyers, home delivery – our pharmacy offers delivery of medicines directly to your home or workplace, which is very convenient for busy people.

Can I buy Glucophage without a prescription?

At our pharmacy you can. We allow you to buy the medication without a prescription because we believe that strong and lasting relationships are based on trust. We know very well that if the prescription ran out yesterday and you need the medication now, waiting a month for an appointment with a specialist is a serious, and sometimes irreparable, challenge to your health. Order your medication with just two mouse clicks and you will receive it at the address you provide as soon as possible.

Affordable Drug Price

At our online pharmacy we guarantee you an affordable price for the medicine you need. A good price is exactly what we like to spoil our customers with. Moreover, we have repeatedly received feedback that our prices are the best. This gives us strength and ability to find even more interesting ways to develop and, in doing so, delight you with additional discounts, promotions and bonuses. It should be noted that all our products are certified and tested, and come from trusted manufacturers.


Our online pharmacy allows you to shop anonymously by allowing you to use a pseudonym when registering and specifying cash on delivery on the order form. This is secure and confidential. You will be amazed at the speed of delivery anywhere in the country and, because of the way we package your order, no one will ever know what you have bought.

What is Glucophage

Glucophage is a medicine that contains metformin, a synthetic diabetes drug. It is the drug that will help you to normalise your glucose levels. The drug is used to treat type 2 diabetes and also to prevent the development of diabetes in pre-diabetic patients.

Indications For Use

The indications for the use of Glucophage are quite broad, ranging from the treatment of diabetic neuropathy and diabetes to the treatment of polycystic ovaries and weight loss.

Glucophage is also indicated as monotherapy or in combination with other hypoglycaemic drugs or insulin for the treatment of adults and children over 10 years of age.

Contraindications for use

Like any medicine, Glucophage has its contraindications. For example, it should not be taken in case of renal or hepatic dysfunction, alcoholism, hypersensitivity to the ingredients, diabetic precoma, diabetic ketoacidosis, heart failure, respiratory failure and recent myocardial infarction. The medicine should also not be taken during pregnancy and lactation, by children under 10 years of age and by all patients 48 hours before surgery.

Before starting treatment, consult your doctor and inform him/her of any illnesses, allergies and medications you are currently taking.

Side effects

The most frequent side effects, which appear at the beginning of the treatment and usually disappear spontaneously, are: altered taste, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal pain, flatulence and lack of appetite. They usually disappear on their own within a fairly short period of time.

More rare side effects include liver dysfunction or hepatitis, which disappear completely after withdrawal of metformin, anaemia, anorexia, anorexia, lactoacidosis, allergic skin reactions, including erythema, pruritus, urticaria. These side effects usually disappear completely within two weeks after stopping the medicine.

If you experience any serious side effects, especially allergic reactions, seek medical attention immediately.

Directions For Use And Dosage

The way to take Glucophage is also very simple: the tablets should be taken by mouth, swallowed whole and washed down with plenty of water during or after a meal.

The drug is usually prescribed when diet and exercise do not produce a positive effect.

Ask your doctor before starting treatment and he or she will determine your individual regimen and dosage needs.

Most adults are initially prescribed 500-850 mg of the drug 2-3 times a day. After 10-12 days, the dose of metformin should be adjusted according to blood plasma glucose levels. The dose should be increased gradually to avoid side effects. The maximum daily dose of metformin is 3000 mg, the maximum single dose is 1000 mg.

Frequently Asked Questions About Admission

Below, we will examine the questions that patients are most likely to want answered before using this medicine.

How Many Times A Day Should You Take the Medication?

It depends on your diagnosis and your doctor’s prescription. The medication is usually taken 1-2 times a day.

When The Drug Starts To Work

By mouth, it takes between 2.5 and 7 hours (depending on the dosage of the tablets) for the medicine to take full effect in the body.

How Many Days To Take The Medication

The medicine should be taken for a prolonged period of time, strictly according to your doctor’s instructions.

The right way to take the medicine: before or after meals.

The tablets are taken with or immediately after meals.