

Active ingredient: Turmeric

Dosage: 60

Price: €41.12

If you do not trust traditional medicine when it comes to treating allergies or if you have tried all methods without getting the desired results, do not give up prematurely. Discover an ayuverdic remedy that will help you control your allergy symptoms easily and smoothly. Introducing Haridra, a highly effective remedy whose main active ingredient is turmeric. The powder of this plant has long been considered a reliable antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antihistamine agent, which not only helps to cope with allergic manifestations, but is also indispensable in the fight against fungal infections.

You can purchase this miracle cure conveniently and cost-effectively on our website. Simply fill in the online order form and the medicine will be delivered directly into the hands of whomever you specify, anywhere in the country. And such a “plush” as the best price and the opportunity to buy a medicine without a prescription will only improve your mood and general condition.

What is Haridra

A universal remedy for a multitude of ailments, such as urticaria, allergic dermatitis and even melasma (skin pigmentation during pregnancy). The main aspect is the natural composition of the product, which does not harm health, but only improves the general state of the organism.

What Are The Indications For The Use Of Haridra?

The drug has a broad spectrum of action, so it is used in a fairly large number of conditions, including:

  • Allergic respiratory diseases, such as seasonal or recurrent allergic rhinitis, allergic bronchitis and nasal congestion;
  • allergic dermatitis
  • urticaria;
  • eczema;
  • boils and blisters;
  • fungal infections of the skin;
  • as an antioxidant supplement for chronic eye diseases and diabetes;
  • as an adjuvant in arthritis therapy.

What Are The Contraindications Of Taking Haridra?

Individual sensitivity to turmeric or other excipients of the medicinal product. If you are pregnant or breast-feeding, consult your doctor before taking the medicine.

Side effects

To date, no significant adverse reactions have been reported with Haridra.

Instructions for Use and Dosage

Consult your doctor before taking Haridra. Your doctor will prescribe an individual dose, which may vary from the dosage given below.

Haridra is usually taken as one capsule twice a day or 1 to 2 teaspoons of powder 2-3 times a day before meals or half an hour after eating, with warm water or warm milk with honey. For children under 5 years, half a teaspoon, up to 12 years 1 teaspoon. The duration of therapy is 1-3 months.