

Active substance: Digoxin

Dosage: 0.25 mg

Price: €29.55 – €117.02

Lack of physical activity, irrational diet, sleep disorders, stress and various diseases have a negative impact on the functioning of the heart, leading to heart and vascular diseases. Regular blood pressure monitoring, specialist monitoring and taking the right medication help to reduce the overload on the heart, improving well-being, performance and life in general. Lanoxin is a cardiotonic drug that helps patients suffering from arrhythmias, tachycardia and heart failure. You can buy Lanoxin at the lowest price in the UK from our online pharmacy – fast delivery, no prescription required and quality assurance for you!

Where To Buy Lanoxin In United Kingdom

Order Lanoxin online to save time and money. Ordering from our online pharmacy is easy: fill in a simple order form on the website and you will receive the required medicine in the shortest possible time.

Lanoxin Without Prescription At An Online Pharmacy

You can always consult a medical professional, order products on our website and receive them without a prescription. This way you can start the treatment process as soon as possible.

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Thanks to our online pharmacy, customers can start treatment as soon as possible, facilitated by fast delivery and simple ordering conditions. All products are shipped anonymously and securely to the customer, you can choose cash on delivery and pay on receipt.

What is Lanoxin

Lanoxin is a tablet prescribed for the treatment of arrhythmia, heart failure, tachycardia and atrial fibrillation. Its main active ingredient, digoxin, increases the strength and speed of the heartbeat by reducing its frequency. It is a drug with antiarrhythmic, cardiotonic and cardiostimulant effects.

Indications For Use Of Lanoxin

Lanoxin is indicated for:

  • Chronic heart failure;
  • atrial fibrillation;
  • paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia;
  • atrial fibrillation.

Dosage and method of administration

The tablets are taken orally with water. To be taken after a meal, 0.25 mg three times daily, duration of treatment – 2 days, or 0.2-0.3 mg daily – 4 days. Maintenance therapy: 0.2-0.3 mg daily, preferably in the morning.


Lanoxin treatment should not be prescribed if the patient has:

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the medicinal product
  • digitalis intoxication;
  • ventricular tachycardia
  • AV block grade II or III
  • obstructive cardiomyopathy;
  • thoracic aortic aneurysm;
  • carotid sinus syndrome.

Side Effects

Patients usually tolerate Lanoxin treatment well; adverse reactions such as loss of appetite, mesenteric infarction, arrhythmias (ventricular tachycardia, extrasystoles), dyspeptic disorders, sleep disturbances, decreased vision, headache, spatial disorientation, psychosis, depression, muscle pain, seizures, allergic reactions (swelling, itching, rash, urticaria) are rarely observed.

Special indications

Caution is advised in cases of active myocarditis, marked bradycardia, acute coronary insufficiency. During therapy with Lanoxin the patient should be under medical supervision; if treatment is prolonged, the dose is adjusted individually for 7-10 days. In case of renal insufficiency, the dose is reduced 2-fold.

In case of overdose and symptoms of intoxication, the patient is given gastric lavage with activated charcoal or other oral enterosorbents and a saline laxative. In case of arrhythmia, potassium chloride (2-2.4 g) with 10 units of insulin in 500 ml dextrose solution is administered intravenously. Potassium-containing drugs are contraindicated if AV conduction is impaired. In case of bradycardia, atropine sulphate solution is administered to the patient. If blood pressure decreases, transfusion therapy is indicated.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Lanoxin interact with other substances? Calcium, tetracyclines, penicillins, macrolides, glucocorticoids, salicylates, antiarrhythmics, captopril, reserpine, thyrostatic drugs can potentiate the effect of digoxin.

Potassium salts, calcium antagonists, potassium-sparing diuretics, drugs that reduce reabsorption from the gastrointestinal tract, neomycin, cytostatics, phenytoin, metoclopramide, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, thyroid hormones. A patient may develop arrhythmia after concomitant use of antidepressants, cyclopropane, reserpine and digoxin.

Can digoxin be used during pregnancy? During pregnancy (especially in the first trimester) and breast-feeding, the drug is not recommended.

How many times a day should Lanoxin be taken?

Lanoxin tablets should be taken once a day, preferably in the morning, before meals.

When does Lanoxin work?

The action of digoxin develops between half an hour and 2 hours after taking the medicine. The maximum effect is reached after 2 to 6 hours.

How many days do I have to take the medicine?

Treatment usually lasts 5 to 7 days, after which maintenance therapy is prescribed, depending on the manifestation of symptoms and the patient’s weight.

What Not to Eat During Treatment

No special diet is required during treatment with digoxin.

Before or After Meals

Lanoxin should preferably be taken in the morning, before meals.