

Active substance: Promethazine

Dosage: 25 mg

Price: €35.23 – €190.25

In today’s world, even people who have never suffered from allergies can suddenly develop allergic reactions when the environment worsens and more and more allergens appear around them. What to do if you experience allergic reactions for the first time? Talk to your doctor and read our article about promethazine, a well-known British remedy that will save you from many allergy symptoms.

Buy Promethazine with the maximum benefit for you, you can in our online pharmacy, as we have on our site you will find only the original medicine and the best price in the country. And yes, you can order the medicine without a prescription!

What Is Promethazine And Why Is It Used?

Promethazine is a highly effective medicinal product which actively combats many manifestations of allergic diseases. It is actively used in the treatment of rheumatism with a strong allergic component, Meniere’s disease (a non-inflammatory disease of the inner ear accompanied by vestibular disorders), motion sickness and respiratory diseases.

Indications For Use Of Promethazine

The indications for the drug are:

  • urticaria;
  • serum sickness;
  • hay fever;
  • allergic and vasomotor rhinitis;
  • Rheumatism with a strong allergic component;
  • allergic reactions to penicillin, streptomycin or other drugs;
  • pruritic dermatosis;
  • Meniere’s disease;
  • Encephalitis with increased vascular permeability;
  • sea sickness and air sickness;
  • psychosis, neurosis with agitation, anxiety and sleep disorders (in the context of complex treatment);
  • To enhance the effect of analgesics and local anaesthetics;
  • Bronchoconstructive syndrome (as part of treatment).

Contraindications to the use of the medicinal product

Like all medicines, promethazine has certain contraindications for use:

  • Individual sensitivity to promethazine, other phenothiazine derivatives or any excipients;
  • glaucoma;
  • severe hepatic insufficiency;
  • hypertrophy of the prostate gland;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • epilepsy;
  • pregnancy;
  • sleep apnoea syndrome;
  • lactation;
  • children under 2 years of age;
  • alcohol intake.

Side effects

The drug is generally well tolerated by patients, but occasionally the following side effects occur: drowsiness, restlessness, dry mouth, constipation, psychomotor agitation, allergic reactions, altered accommodation (ability of the eye to strain to focus on near objects), agranulocytosis (reduced levels of white blood cells and monocytes, increased susceptibility to bacterial and fungal infections), hypotension (lower than normal blood pressure).

Taking and Dosage of Medicines

Before taking the medicine, consult your doctor, who will prescribe an individual regimen and dosage. The tablets should be taken orally after a meal with plenty of water.

Adults are prescribed 25 mg 2-3 times a day, and children are prescribed age-appropriate doses.

Children are usually given the following doses: 2 years – 2.5 mg, daily – 7.5-10 mg, 3-4 years – 5 mg, daily – 15 mg, 5-6 years – 7.5-10 mg, daily – 25-30 mg, 7-9 years – 10 mg, daily – 30 mg, 10-14 years – 15 mg, daily – 45 mg.

Maximum oral dose for adults: single dose 75 mg, daily dose 500 mg.