If you suffer from bronchial asthma, you will undoubtedly find our material useful. Anyone who has suffered from bronchial asthma knows the terrible feeling of tightness in the chest and the impossibility of breathing during a new attack. To quickly relieve bronchial asthma attacks, Ventolin, a bronchodilator, was developed and has proven to be very successful in United Kingdom. Here we will examine in detail all the properties of the drug, for whom it is indicated, what side effects it can cause and where it is best to buy it at the best price.
If you are familiar with this medicine and need to buy a new pack, you have come to the right place. Just fill in the online order form and our qualified specialists will ship it to you all over the UK in no time at all.
Where to buy Ventolin in United Kingdom
The drug can be bought in all pharmacies where it is available. You will have to go to the pharmacy during opening hours and queue up in the middle of sneezing people. And the saddest thing is to find out at the end that the medicine is out of stock. Does this picture ring a bell? We suggest you avoid these inconveniences and order the medicine you need conveniently online on our website. On our website you will immediately see the availability of the medicine and you can easily read all the important information about its use. Ordering the medicine will take only a couple of minutes of your valuable time.
Is It Possible To Buy Ventolin Without Prescription At An Online Pharmacy?
An important part of a long-term relationship is trust. We want our relationship with you to be long-lasting and productive, that’s why, in addition to the excellent value of the drugs, we give you the opportunity to buy a drug at our pharmacy without a prescription. You can receive your order within a couple of days.
Affordable Price Of Medicines
We answer one of the main questions: where to buy cheap medicine? In our pharmacy. The price here is pleasantly different from the others. How do we do it? We supply medicines directly from the warehouses of the official manufacturers. Quality and best price: that’s the formula for a real bargain!
We maintain your anonymity, because the privacy of our customers is one of our core values. Simply indicate cash on delivery on the order form. It’s safe, anonymous and fast delivery will be a nice bonus.
What Ventolin Is And What It Does For Your Body
Ventolin is not only an effective medicine, but also a lifesaver. It is the product that will quickly eliminate the worst bronchial asthma attacks and give you the happiness of breathing comfortably at full lung capacity. In just 5 minutes it provides a rapid expansion of the bronchial tubes, the effect of which lasts for 4 to 6 hours. The active ingredient salbutamol is indispensable in the treatment of instructive respiratory diseases.
Ventolin in bronchial asthma is used as part of a stepwise treatment scheme or as part of a complex therapy. It rapidly relieves acute asthma attacks and prevents bronchial cramps caused by exercise or allergens. It is also used in cases of chronic obstructive bronchitis in adults, when traditional therapy is not effective.
Contraindications to use
However, like all drugs, Ventolin has several contraindications for use. The first is hypersensitivity to salbutamol or any of its components.
In addition, do not use salbutamol dosage forms not intended for intravenous administration for the purpose of stopping uncomplicated preterm labour or threatened abortion. Do not use during pregnancy and lactation.
Do not use for the treatment of children under 4 years of age.
Use caution because in patients with bronchial asthma the aerosol may increase blood glucose and accelerate the breakdown of fats, increasing the risk of lactacidosis.
Use Ventolin with caution if you have severe heart disease (e.g. coronary heart disease, arrhythmia or severe heart failure). If you experience chest pain or other symptoms indicating an exacerbation of heart disease while taking salbutamol, you should seek medical attention.
Please note that salbutamol is used with caution in patients with thyrotoxicosis.
In any case, before you start using the medicine, we recommend that you consult a specialist and inform him/her of all your diseases, allergies and the medicines you are taking. This will help the doctor to determine the correct treatment regimen.
Side effects
In general, the drug is well tolerated by patients, but in some cases adverse reactions may occur. The most common are: headache, tremor, tachycardia, increased heart rate.
Less common are: irritation of the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat, dilatation of peripheral vessels, hypokalaemia and changes in blood salts, which can be detected by early tests, myocardial infarction.
Very rarely patients have complained of urticaria, muscle cramps, hyperactivity, angioedema, arrhythmia, decreased blood pressure, heart rhythm disturbances including atrial fibrillation, supraventricular tachycardia and extrasystoles, paradoxical bronchospasm.
In case of side effects, consult your doctor or seek emergency medical advice.
Instructions for Use and Dosage
WARNING: Before you start taking this medicine, consult your doctor to determine the dose you need. You may need a different dose than the one listed below.
Ventolin is an aerosol intended for oral inhalation only.
If it is difficult to synchronise breathing with the use of an inhaler, it is recommended that you also use a spacer, a device that makes it easier to inhale the medicine.
The most commonly prescribed doses are as follows.
For the treatment of epileptic seizures:
- adults and children over 12 years of age – 1 or 2 inhalations with an interval of 30 seconds;
- children aged 4 to 12 years: 1 or 2 inhalations with an interval of 30 seconds.
For prophylaxis in case of physical exertion or contact with an allergen:
- Adults and children over 12 years of age – 10-15 minutes before exercise or intended contact with allergen 2 inhalations (200 mcg) once;
- In children aged 4-12 years, 1 or 2 inhalations 10-15 minutes before exposure or contact with the allergen.
For long-term maintenance therapy:
- Adults and children over 12 years – 2 inhalations (200mcg) 4 times a day, no more than 8 inhalations a day.
- Children aged 4 to 12 years – maximum 8 inhalations per day.
If it is considered necessary to increase the dose, it is possible that the asthma is getting worse. In this case, you should consult your doctor to review the treatment regimen.
Frequently Asked Questions
At the beginning of treatment, many questions may arise about the use of the medicine. Below we will try to answer the most frequently asked questions.
How many times a day can Ventolin be used?
Always use the product as instructed by your doctor. The number of puffs usually depends on the diagnosis and severity of the disease. The most common use is between 1 and 4 times a day.
When does Ventolin start to work?
Ventolin starts to work within 5 minutes of inhalation by dilating the bronchial tubes. The effect lasts between 4 and 6 hours.
How to use
Before use, shake the Ventolin canister and make sure there are no foreign bodies in the nebuliser. The product should be inhaled by placing the mouthpiece of the nebuliser in the mouth and holding it against the lips. Do not bite down. Inhale slowly, squeeze the pipette and hold your breath as long as possible. If necessary, a second application can be made after 30 seconds.
After use, rinse plastic case and mouthpiece cap with water and dry.
When inhaling: Before or After Meals
Allow approximately 1.5 hours between meals and inhalation.
Ventolin OR Salbutamol
Both products contain the same active ingredient. However, Ventolin is believed to have a better therapeutic effect and fewer side effects.